2006, Sep. Toastmaster magazine summary
他提到New CL 時的 evaluator的 工作分派
因為meeting時太忙碌 如有太多人要評分 會加重責任 應該均勻分攤工作
他還提出ㄧ些manual 的奇怪 模糊的地方
明年開始推動 這個manual 真的很不錯
Becoming a New Competent Leader
by Bonnie L. Maidak, ATM/CL
*My suggestions for project evaluators are:
CL Project Target Evaluator
IE/Speech Evaluator Speaker/GE
TM , Ahconuter, LE, Timer GE
Table Topic Speaker Table Topic Master
Speaker,GE, Topic Master TM
Special Event master, other project Club President/EVP
Mentor Club EVP
*The initial printing of the new manual was not perfet.
I wanted more specific information regarding some of the project or role descriptions:
1.Projects #6 #8 and #10
Do you need to be successful to receive credit for events such as membership or public relations campaigns or club special events?
This is not required in the HPL program nor in speech manual projects, would it be the same for CL manual projects?
2. Projects #6 #8 and #10
What is "helping a Webmaster"?
Is it a one-time, one-month, or longer commitment? For projects #6 #8 and #10, I decided to ask the club president what would be acceptable. Other suggestions could be offered.
3.Projects #9
How long do you need to mentor someone in order to complete project number9?
For the Advanced Communicator Gold, you need to coach a new member through three speeches, but the minimum time to mentor and existing member is not specified.
* I hope that Toastmasters will provide official answers to these questions in future versions of the CL manual.
*The last plus of the new manual is the overall quality of the manual itself, even with my few questions.
*It will be easy to sell the Toastmasters program to corporate, government, military and community organizations when club members explain and demonstrate the practical leadership skills that can be learned and developed by completing the new manual.
*No matter what, I learned a lot from the experience, which is exactly what we wish for in our Toastmasters activities.
be the practice "High Performance leadership" manual member's Evaluator.
以及一些阿里阿雜的 assignments, like help web
(身為YZU長工 的賴卡羅其實絕得這個很有幫助 由我-webster來給分 哈)
因為 這是最後ㄧ個TM總會出版的手冊
她們會有一些歷年來的心得 以及 想要真正推行leadership練習的想法
這些模糊不清的assignments 其實是她們要New CL練習者 了解
Service Leadership的重要性
根據研讀完TM 圖書館的心得 賴卡羅可以以此定義
New CL manual, CL(ALB)要求,High performance leadership manual的 領導力練習方向:
(賴卡羅大致打一下,精確精細的會有空修正後放到EVP blog去)
1.New CL,
在meeting上以及TM事務上即可完成的練習 不用付出更多的時間來訓練 leadership skill
*方式:執行New CL manual, 完成10 Project/完成在meeting上以及TM事務
*賴卡羅建議的附加閱讀: Toastmasters Wear Many Hats
*效益:讓member 更加了解整個TM的精神
2.Old CL/ALB
於meeting or tm event中執行教育訓練(當workshop trainer)
不用付出附加時間 有evlauator協助
根據Successful Club serious or Excelent Leasership 中兩個手冊(手冊名詞有空再正名),
舉行workshop ,進行教育訓練。
內容為研究探討以及鼓勵 members有關meeting事務
*評估:有Education evaluation 評分表,可以請evaluator依據這個評分表來評估
*賴卡羅建議的附加閱讀:From Speaker to Trainer(這本ㄧ定要看!!! 已經發給各個Trainer了)
*適用者:after CC, club officer
*效益:練習當個有效的Trianer, 學習給予 教導以及empower 以及激勵 群眾
3.HPL/High Performance Leadership manual
*難度: 中高級/(為AL-S的必備條件)評估者需練習領導管理,
需付出多於meeting的時間開會 以及被小組成員評估
根據 High Performance Leasership manual,完成 6個project,
如當club officer或是 governer
或是 工作環境的管理者,並且組織評估小組,
*評估: 需要組織評估小組,每次Project都要召開會議,
*賴卡羅建議的附加閱讀:New CL manual
(可幫助對TM的更加認識 進ㄧ步對自己人生形態事務的認識)
*適用者:club officer, governer or 公司主管 社團組織 只要是管理者都可以作練習,並可以同時與New CLㄧ同執行