
TM 雜誌摘要(TM magazine ,06 Sep )


summarized by Carol


Laws for Positive Leadership

By Victor Parachin


1. Give more than you expect others to give

a.Be the person who looks out for Number Two.

b.Ask yourself, How can I give a little more to the people around me? What can I do to lighten their work load? Who can I mentor? How can I provide the best effort?

c.Wilson means good leaders don’t ask people to do what they would not do themselves. Good leaders characterized by their ability to give more than they expect others to give.


2. Combine optimism and perseverance

Combine optimism and perseverance, then lead by example. Others who observe your conduct will not only feel insprired but will act the same~


3. See everyone as a diamond in rough

a. There are no poor performers, only poor leaders who fail to find ways of helping others succeed.


b. They fail to see the potential in every person, leaving it untapped.


c. So you see, the most important thing you have to know in life is that everyone, everyone, is a diamond in the rough.


4. Express appreciation; accept responsibility

a. I praise loudly, I blame softly.

b. Sadly, some leaders are quick to accept credit and even quicker to assign blame.

c. The best leaders reverse that pattern. They give credit to subordinates for work well done and they do that both privately.

d. Respected leaders are generous in giving credit where credit is due and are always prepared to accept responsibility when a project fails.




5. Remain balance

No matter how high you rise or how important you become, remain a balanced person. Operate with a sense of humility.


6. Show respect for people around you

Your words and actions will show how much you value other people’s contributions.


7. Treat everyone as family

a. Paul Orfalea says his company, Kinko’s stronger and better than the competition because he stresses the importance of the personal touch.


b. At Kinko’s, I set a policy that most of our communication be done not by written memos, but by talking face-to-face. This made us work closer as a team, and we had better relationships and more fun as a result.


8. Be a source of inspiration

When appropriate, share your wisdom. Offer people insights you have gleaned along the way.

Nature those around you so they expand, enlarge, grow and do more than they ever thought they could do.


9. Stress cooperation not competition

I have to get the most energy out of a man and have discovered that it cannot be done if he hates another man. Hate blocks his energy and he isn’t up to par until he eliminates it and develops a friendly feeling.



10. Maintain a sense of humor


好吧  有個很重要還是打一下

No one enjoys being around someone who is humorless, heartless, rigid and unable to laugh or enjoy all aspects of life.

No matter how daunting or serious your work, do it with a sense of lightness, merriment and playfulness






這個法則怎麼沒有知錯能改的leadership law呢?



可能真的是因為改版 或是換程式血手  很多以前好用的功能都消失了

部落格小子妞妞們  我說的不會是你們吧


改進 與自我挑戰   生活才有意義


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